Tuesday, February 17, 2009

XBOX 360 Red Light Malfunction Madness.

I am a XBOX enthusiast and have owned an XBOX 360 since the day it came out. I am currently using my third 360 since i first purchased the product. The infamous Three Red Light syndrome has taken the lives of 2 of my 360 units. Obviously this is a serious problem that Microsoft has still not been able to alleviate.

For those of you who own a 360 and have not yet experienced the issue, you're lucky (probably not for long though). If you do experience the problem, getting your XBOX 360 fixed is quite a hassle. First you must contact Microsoft and have them register your unit, if you haven't done that already. Then you have to wait 5-7 days for a shipping box and label to arrive. You then must ship your XBOX 360 back to the manufacturer for it to be examined. If they find any other tampering on the unit then you are out of luck and will not get a new console. Otherwise, they will send you a new box. The whole process took me 3-4 weeks both times.

There are ways to alleviate this exhausting time frame without your beloved XBOX 360. There is a new product that will allow you to fix your red light problem with ease and without shipping the product back to the manufacturer at all. This product is a simple book entitled "3RedLightFix Repair Guide". This book has step-by-step instructions on how you can fix your own XBOX within ONE HOUR...or they will refund your money in full. My brother used this book and had his XBOX 360 back up and running in 45 minutes. No Shipping, No waiting.

In addition to the Red Light malfunction, "3RedLightFix" gives you instruction how to fix other errors with your XBOX console including:
-Freezing, E74 error, and graphic Glitches.

Interested in fixing your XBOX on your own?

XBOX 360 3RedLightFix Repair Guide

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Having trouble Leveling in World of Warcraft?

I'm fairly new to the whole World of Warcraft Phenomenon. What I do know is beginners entering into the massive online multiplayer is not exactly an easy task. I have always been a huge fan of Blizzard Entertainment, my roots with their video games go as far back as the orginal Warcraft (Orcs vs. Humans). Their imangination and revolutionary gaming platforms are rivaled by none in the PC gaming industry.

That said, WoW is not very inviting to new players. The platform is absolutely massive and just knowing where to start can be very intimidating. Nobody likes newbies to a game and many could care less about your existence. Therefore, obtaining friends that are willing to help can be troublesome. There are, however, many useful tools that can be used for the beginner to quickly master the ins and outs of the game as well as offering tips to gain levels quickly.

Zygor Guides offers the best Alliance and Hordes leveling guides on the market. I personally use guides often in games as exhausting at WoW can be. Not only will these guides assist you with leveling but they guide you through the levels while in the game! In-game leveling guides allow for much more fluidity, as apose to alt+tabbing everytime you need to read the guide. I've found this guide to very helpful in getting me to the position to be able to play with the more advanced players.

The Zygor WoW Leveling guide offers:
-Exact leveling paths that previous players have used
-How to quickly level any character class easily and efficiently using in game guides
-Lower Level 80/Played time, allowing you to focus more on the other aspect of the game such as player vs player, and raids.

Interested in Purchasing this product?
Zygor WoW Leveling Guide!